

Registered Physiotherapist
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Provider
Neurofunctional Sport Performance Provider
Certified Pilates & Lagree Instructor
ELDOA Practitioner

Kathryn Zbarsky is a registered Physiotherapist with over 11 years of experience in sport and general musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, as well as oncology and pediatric populations. She is a health and wellness advocate and is certified in ELDOA, the Lagree fitness and STOTT pilates methods. After years of working in various Physiotherapy clinics in Toronto, Kathryn opened up her own practice - Kinective Physiotherapy, in Studio Lagree’s Foresthill location in January 2017 - December 2020. After years of working inside Studio Lagree, Kathryn and Dr. Natalie Gelman decided to join forces and open up their dream clinic in Foresthill - offering high end, comprehensive manual and exercise therapy, in a beautiful boutique space. Kinective was born out of Kathryn’s desire to integrate her Neurofunctional based approach to manual therapy and Acupuncture, with her knowledge and love of therapeutic exercise - specifically ELDOA, STOTT Rehab Pilates and Lagree Fitness. Using a treatment approach that is unique to each patient and situation, Kathryn will help you improve your ability to move, live well, and perform the activities that are most important to you.

Kathryn has extensive knowledge on many forms of sport and exercise and has worked with NHL level athletes, triathletes, recreational athletes of all varieties as well as those looking to improve their general health, fitness and rehab their injuries, imbalances and pain syndromes in order to live their best and most active lives!

In addition to her time in clinic, Kathryn is an instructor in the McMaster Neurofunctional Acupuncture Program, teaches Anatomy with Saana Yoga studios and is constantly improving her skill set with various exercise and manual therapy courses. Of course, her own health and fitness is of utmost importance and she is dedicated to her regular strength and conditioning workouts as well as in pilates, ELDOA, yoga and running when the sun is shining!


What Patients Have to Say About Kathryn